What does a pig eat?
Pigs love to chat and play around, but of all that chatting and playing can make a pig hungry. And pigs eat lots. Lots and lots and lots! Fortunately, pigs eat practically anything, even sprouts!

What do pigs eat?
Pigs love to chat and play around, but of all that chatting and playing can make a pig hungry. And pigs eat lots. Lots and lots and lots! But what they eat exactly depends on how old they are. Newborn piglets eat different things from adult sows (female pigs) and boars (male pigs).

How often do pigs eat each day?
Some pigs can eat all day long! These pigs get unlimited dry feed. Others get feed that is tailored precisely to their needs. The troughs are filled with liquid feed three times a day. But some pigs gets the right-size portion once a day, which they eat over a few hours. Very small piglets are sometimes fed by hand by their handlers, because they don’t eat very much.

Anna and Dean visit a pig farm
What do newborn piglets eat?
When a piglet is born, it will get its mother's milk and some delicious piglet porridge. After 2 to 4 weeks, they also start nibbling on special dry piglet feed. This is made specially for very young piglets. This feed gives the piglets exactly all the vitamins and minerals they need. It also teaches the piglets to eat pellets instead of drinking milk – just like when you learned to start eating solid food when you were a baby.

What does pig feed consist of?
Most pig feed always consists of cereals, corn or soya. It also contains sugar-beet leftovers – a kind of pulp that is left over after sugar is extracted from beet. Pigs love sugar beet!

Tailor-made pig feed
Feed is also tailored to sows and porkers (pigs that become meat), with all the healthy nutrients they need at the time. The feed can be a mix of dry (solid) and wet (liquid) feed.
Test your knowledge about pigs
Sometimes, when you’re giving a presentation, you might need to ask the audience questions. Why not test your own knowledge here? You could use them in your presentation